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Our Leader
The leader of our youth group is Jesus Christ. He is so cool, you really should get to know Him. He already knows you, and loves you more than you can imagine. So, if you don't know Him, you need to meet Him. Go get a Bible and start reading in the New Testament. Then find a church and youth group to get involved with. he is always there. If your nearby, join us, and we will make sure you meet Him. He is too cool, and I know you will love Him as much as we do.

Our Group
Our church is in downtown Ironton, Ohio. The main structure was built in 1892. It's a beautiful old building with great woodwork and stained glass windows. We'll add a picture or two here soon. Our church is affiliated with the United Methodist Churches and you can read more about them by clicking below. Most of our group attends Ironton High School and Junior High and below you can also click to read more about the Tigers. If you're ever in Ironton, stop by and see us.

Our Church
United Methodist Churches

Our Schools