Our Group...at work and play
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From our mission trip to working on the railroad to Sunday night meetings...
We prayed, we worked, we learned, we played, we served, and we had fun, all in the name of Christ!

Snack Time! Mission Trip 2001 Huntington, WV

Lunchtime. Mission Trip 2001

Prayer Send Off before our Mission Trip

Girl's Sleeping Area. Mission Trip 2001

Guy's Sleeping Area. Mission Trip 2001

Mission Trip 2001

The Railroad Crew

I've been working on the railroad

Clearing the Railroad

Ali and Andrea perform for Vacation Bible School

David, Ali, and Bruce at Vacation Bible School

Alisa, Jason, and Andrew teach Bible School

Bruce, Vivian, and Bobbie

Greg, Rachael, and Ali

Big David

Sunday Evening Bible Study

Sarah's Graduation party

Ready for a Road Trip

Eric & Brittney Hauck in Concert

Britt on harp

Eric on Cello

Awesome Concert


Our two new buddies. You guys are great!

David Working!

Three Amigos

Chow Time